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A platform solely created to build a community with those who are interested in making the environment a better place to hang out and work together!


My Role


September 2021 - December 2021

UX Researcher & Content Strategist

Invision, Illustrator, Photoshop

Project Overview

Problem Definition


  • There is difficulty in identifying people who are genuinely concerned about the environment nowadays. It is risky to establish connections on social media pages, and many scams take place through these channels.

  • There is a lack of resourceful platforms for environmentally conscious people and those who want to have a safe social life apart from their phones.

Proposed solution

Greenity is a mobile app that helps environment lovers:

  • Plant trees together at set venues.

  • Work on DIY projects to recycle existing products (upcycle/ recycle old clothes, shoes, bags, bottles, etc).

  • Collaborate and enhance networking with like-minds.


The first stage of research was by conducting a quick survey. The participants included environment lovers. They were given a questionnaire that could analyze their concerns and suggestions for improving the quality of their surroundings. 

Survey Outcomes

- Respondents valued the following green features most highly:

  • A smoke-free community

  • Safe space for community collaboration

Survey Takeaways

​- Participants opined that awareness and engagement of communities can help sustainability and sustainable solutions.

- Participants raised a concern that there is a lack of recycling bins or programs in condos and apartment buildings. 

- Participants raised a concern that there is a lack of incentives to encourage going green.



User Definition


The targeted audience for Greenity would be people who are genuinely concerned for the environment. They want to make a considerable change by building communities and working towards improving the quality of their surroundings with like-minded people. The below personas (Arlene -plant lover, and Merida - DIY lover) have been put together with the interviews and surveys carried out.

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Graphic of persona cards: Arlene, plant lover, and Merida, DIY lover.

User Flow

After numerous testing and feedback, we altered the user flow of the app, 
so it would be a better experience for all users. 

Scenario: Arlene wishes to go to a Plantity community meeting. The below shows her journey using Greenity.

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Graphic of user flow: Ethan's journey to STC using Enabled

User Definition



The next step was to do a 
lo-fi wireframe using the new user flow created. Here I have quickly incorporated my brainstorming ideas roughly, and outlined the user flow of Arlene, an environment and plant lover.

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Graphic of wireframes



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Graphic of mobile mock-up: Home screen of Greenity


This prototype will take you through the journey of an environment lover trying to book a date and participate in a tree planting community collaboration.


LinkedIn profile:

  • LinkedIn

© 2022 by Neethu Thomas.

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